Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hi again, I guess you thought I had disappeared. LOL! I wouldn't blame any of you for not reading this blog anymore since I post so randomly. It's not that I never have time to sit down, I do, but when I sit down there is a little girl called Hannah who desperately hates for me to be on the computer or phone. She used to pinch me, hit, try to shove my computer onto the floor etc.. She now has come up with a new tactic to prevent me from ever getting on. If I sit down and pick up my computer she will come climb on the couch by me and begin crawling in my lap...all 67 lbs of her. I have no choice but to put the computer down. Then she begins to take my face in her hands and kiss me over, and, over, again. Now who could resist that. She's a sly one this girl of mine. Hence the reason I only am able to post once in awhile.

We picked up her new glasses yesterday. Put them on and she wore them perfectly for over three hours. When we got home I took off the fancy ones, (we bought two pairs, one pretty, one sturdy), and put on the sturdy ones. She proceeded to take them off and place them on the table. A few min later she picked them up twisted them and broke them. So this morning while John took those back to have them repaired I put the others on her. Walked by a few min later and she hands me them in pieces with a big smile on her face. Seriously what do you do with a kid like this...LOL!

Today was a laundry day. Actually yesterday was laundry day and I didn't do it. so I had all the kids bring down the baskets and we sorted them into piles so it would be ready to load. Should have known better. HA! I went upstairs to make beds and straighten. When I came down Ms. Hannah had decided she would help me by putting all of the laundry, (all 6 loads), in one big pile. I thanked her for being my great helper then dug through to get all of the towels to start my next load. As I was doing the laundry Angel was crawling around on the floor. I had forgotten to put the gate up at the stairs going to the basement. I turned around and she was just inches from going head first down them. I started to scream but before I could Hannah who was sitting right there reached over and pulled Angel away. Do you know how amazing that is? It sure blew me away!!!

She really does like to help me with so much. If I am feeding the baby she will sit by me and pull down her shirt, fix the bib, wipe her chin, or hold the bottle. If I am changing a diaper she will pull herself up and stand by me watching everything I do. When I'm bathing them she is on her knees right next to me helping me wash their hair. She is like a sponge soaking up everything she can every moment of the day!

She now plays with her doll in the bath every night combing her hair and washing her. She will do puzzles with the other kids and laughs when they laugh. She goes outside in her wheel chair when we're out there, ( a week ago she would only go out for a few seconds at a time. She was out today for hours. Although she still pulls hair, pinches herself and us, and hits occasionally. it is nothing like it was a month ago. It may not seem like a lot to most but to us all these things are huge. When you consider that a mere 4 weeks ago anything you handed her ended up on the floor or across the room. She would have nothing to do with any of the children and never played with any type of toy. She has amazed us with using sign language. She consistently uses more, thank you, please, eat, water, and love. She is learning bath, no, yes, and sorry. If there has been this much improvement in just one month can you imagine what she will be doing in a year?

I know I didn't write about the babies tonight but I wanted to focus on Hannah. I will try over the next few days to try and write about each one individually. We have our appointment at the International Adoption Clinic at Riley Hospital in Indianapolis on the 17th and am hoping to have a lot more medical info at that time to share. Thank you all for being so patient with me and continuing to follow our adoption story!

I have a ton more pictures but didn't have time tonight to load them. I will however add them as soon as possible! :)


  1. Thnks for the updates!! Wonderful progress is being made!

  2. Oh my goodness that stinker and her glasses! But, absolutely love the part about her coming to Angel's rescue! YAHOO!

  3. She is something that girl of mine. Will be posting pictures soon and updating on the little guys! :)

  4. Love this update! Your Hannah sounds like she is really blooming. I can not wait to see your pics. :)
