Feb. 4, 2012...First contacted Reece's Rainbow about a little girl in Russia only to find out later we were to old to adopt her.
John and I fell in love with Raina and Grace. We began praying about committing to them.
Feb. 6th or 7th... contacted agency to get info and HS packet sent to us.
Feb. 13, 2012...Began filling out Home Study Packet, Sent for copies of Birth Certificates etc, (139.45).
Feb. 14, 2012.. Committed to two children, (2275.00). Sent my passport off for renewal, (110.00). Mailed reference letters, commitment form to RR, and passport renewal, (11.53).
Feb. 15, 2012...My physical...no charge!
Feb. 18, 2012...Took pets for shots and physicals, (368.00).
Feb. 20, 2012...Josiah's physical...no charge! Had Document notarized, (4.00).
Feb. 21, 2012...Fingerprints for Home Study, (84.40). Had Family Adoption Disclosure Form notarized and faxed, (8.00).
Feb. 22, 2012...Mailed Home Study Packet to Protect Our Children INC., (200.00 deposit), (26.00 for mailing).
Feb. 24, 2012...County Criminal Report from Sheriffs Office, (14.00).
Feb. 28, 2012...Home Study Visit. Approval for three children. So so relieved, (1300.00 HS), (97.00 mileage). Committed to our Lorie Verbally.
Feb. 29, 2012... Mailed commitment check to RR for Lorie, (1000.00).
March 2, 2012...Had request for marriage certificates from California notarized, (2.00). Faxed 4 documents to SW for HS, (8.21).
March 09, 2012...Begin the mountains of paperwork to begin our Dossier. Faxed 2 documents to SW, (4.00).
Mar. 12, 2012...1. Had CSP's and POA's all notarized and finished printing documents. 2. Got Home mortgage Document and notarized. 3. Scheduled blood work for physical. 4. Wrote to state senator Dan Coats, and will follow up with a call. Hoping for a cover letter to send with I600A form. 5. Located a notary that will go with us for Dr. apt when the time comes. 6. tried to keep my sanity by looking at pictures of my beautiful girls!!!!
Mar. 13, 2012... Received our HS...YEA!
Mar. 14, 2012...Mailed our I600A documents, (890.00 +35.79 for mailing). Mailed off for our request for our State Police Clearance, (14.00).
Mar. 15, 2012...Just spoke with Sen. Coats' office and they will check in on our I600A documents!! Hoping this helps speed it up. I am also headed out to mail off our birth certificates to be Appostilled. (114.00 for both and return envelopes.) Then realized I didn't need to have them Apostille. :) OH WELL!!!
March 19, 2012...Faxed some documents to Nancy, (10.00)
March 20, 2012...Mailed 28 Documents to Indianapolis to be Apostille. (63.00)
March 23, 2012... Received all 28 Doc's back from Indianapolis. One had to be redone so sent it the next day. (9.08)
March 24, 2012... Received Marriage Certificates from California.
March 27, 2012...Mailed Marriage Certificates back to California to be Apostille. (62.00)
March 28, 2012...John's Physical. No Charge!
Went on Vacation for 3 weeks to see my grand kids!
April 16, 2012...Had apt with Dr to have medical forms signed and notarized copy of Dr's license. Mailed medical forms and the rest of Doc's to Indianapolis to be Apostille. (22.60)
April 19, 2012...All documents were returned today from Indianapolis. Our Dossier was mailed this afternoon to the Ukraine with all documents completed minus our I171H form and my corrected name form. (251.23)
April 24, 2012...(Wired 500.00 + 15.00 wiring fee to Ukraine).
April 30, 2012...Our I171H came in the mail. SO, SO, relieved!
May 1, 2012...Mailed our I171H and my corrected name form to Indianapolis to be Apostilled.
(????) I can't find my receipt! I think it was about 20.00.
May 3, 2012...I171H and corrected name form returned from Indianapolis.
May 4, 2012...Mailed our I171H Doc and my corrected name form to the Ukraine. (182.02)
Paper work finished and in the hands of the facilitation team!!!
We have at this point spent 7817.71
At the time of travel we will get back:
3000.00...commitment money for the girls to RR
6579.00...donations to Lorie's account
1061.36...donations to our FSP
We still have to pay:
Our travel and living expenses while in country
Visa x 3
Medical exams x3
Passports x3
Facilitator's fees
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