Sunday, October 28, 2012

I'm back and not sure at this point if any of you still check on here.  LOL! I am so sorry that I haven't been able to keep this blog more updated but I truly just don't have the time. We have appointment's almost everyday of the week and then just trying to keep up with house work, laundry, feeding, baths, etc...I feel lucky to get my teeth brushed before noon...LOL! It's not hard just time consuming. The only time I really have is in the evening after everyone is asleep but I have to get my shower and get some sleep then. Hannah and Audiya are early risers and usually are up sometime between 5 and 6. I am not a morning person, (never have been), so if I stay up late I don't function well the next day! :) All this to say: Please be patient and I will add pictures and updates as I can. I want you all to know how much I appreciate your prayers and support. I also love reading your comments and try to respond to each one. If I miss one of you please forgive me and know how much each comment means to me.

Here are a few updates:

1. Hannah has an MRI of her spine and head scheduled on the 14th of December. They will sedate her for this.
2. I have gotten her eyes checked and she is now wearing glasses.
3. We have been to the dentist, (who I wasn't happy with), I went to him because I was told he would sedate her to xray, clean, and then fix anything that was wrong. He didn't do anything except look in her mouth while I held her. She was freaking out and after he said everything looks good even though I had told him she has been in pain with her teeth. He wants to hold her down while he xrays and cleans her teeth. That's not happening so I will be taking her to a pediatric dentist in AL who is a friend of my daughter Faith.
4. I have to take all three for blood work this week!
5. Hopefully we will get her PT, OT, and Speech started in the next couple of weeks.
6. I have an apt for a hearing test for her on Monday!

1.  Angel is not hearing and they have referred her as well as Audiya to an ENT doctor which we will see this Friday. Her ears are completely full of fluid and she has already had two infections since we returned home. We are hoping her hearing loss is from that and not some permanent damage. Audiya is showing some hearing loss and she also has fluid which could be the cause. Please pray for both of them.
2. I have an eye apt for both girls tomorrow.
3. We have started the process to have PT, OT, and Speech for them both here at the house but are still several weeks away from that starting.

Josiah is doing wonderful as a big brother. He is always helping and loving on the babies. Tells me his heart will grow to love Hannah, (she is always pinching, hitting, and pulling hair). He tries to play with her and she is getting better about it but for the most part she just grabs and laughs...LOL! He comes to me all the time and says "Thank you for getting me sisters" It truly warms my heart! I do miss my alone time with him but he is doing well with it all. My niece, (who is more like a daughter), came to live with us. She has three children so with seven kids in the house he is always busy playing.

I will try to update you as soon as we have any new news.

Playing in the bath is one of Hannah's favorite things to do!

Fun outside. Hannah will go out for short periods but is still not real comfortable staying out to play!

Sleeping in the garage...LOL! We were sweeping the leaves out of the garage looked over and she was out. How she sleeps with her legs like that... have no clue!

My little helper. She loves putting the laundry into the machines for me. sometimes I find dirty laundry in with my clean!!!! LOL!

This kid loves the water. She will most definitely be a swimmer!!!

 I love these smiles and snuggling this little peanut! I can't believe 6 weeks ago she didn't even look at us, wouldn't smile. and rarely moved!

She loves the babies...sometimes to much!!!LOL! (This is my great niece Abby)

Hannah loves to play with her baby. She will feed her, change her, and rock her in the crib. The other day I went up and she was playing. I left her while I continued to clean. It got really quite so I went up to check on her. She had a very wet doll on my changing table naked of course and was in the babies closet looking for clothes to put on it. I thought it was so sweet so I dried it off as best I could, (it's a cloth doll). We put a diaper and gown on her. I wrapped her in a blanket and put her back in the play crib. I called my daughter to tell her about it and she said "where did she bathe it"? I hadn't even thought about that part of it as I was so impressed that she was actually playing. I went into the bathroom, (which by the way was closed with a child proof handle but not a Hannah proof handle), only to find out....yes you guessed it the toilet!!! I was so grossed out but thankful that it was flushed at least!!!LOL! Remember 6 weeks ago if you gave her toy she just threw it.

My beautiful girl! She loves pretty clothes, hair bows, and fancy socks!

Well let me think about it for a while!

Still thinking!!!

 Sleeping beauty!

This is my girl!!!! anytime she gets dressed she wants a hair bow and her glasses. This from the girl that broke them the first day we had them. Every day with her is a miracle!!


  1. I'm actually reading for the first time. love to see how the girls are progressing. keep posting! you're great advertising for Reeces Rainbow!

    1. Thanks for reading and I hope you continue. Just please be patient with me for a while...LOL!

  2. I check in every day or so. I've been reading your blog for quite a while and I love hearing about your journey.

    1. Thank you so much. It has been a great journey and I look forward to the next year and seeing how they all grow. I will just be glad when all the doctor's apt are finished!

  3. OH MY Word!! Seeing your Hannah playing melts me!! She is doing so well! Your babies are adorable. I don't see how you get anything done at all with all those lovebugs to love on. What a very happy home!
    Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. She is such a joy and I love seeing her explore her new environment! They are so much fun and it is hard to work when all you want to do is play! :)

  4. Everything about this is pure beauty!


  5. Thank you so much for the update!! You are a blessing! Love Love Love to see the progress. Amazing! Im sure you have great support but if you ever have questions about hearing loss, etc I would love to help just shoot me questions!! My youngest is deaf and has a cochlear implant. Many times they want to have babies do 'booth' tests only. You know when you get into a booth and they play beeps, sounds etc with lights to get their attention. But, this is based only on behavior since the baby cant tell someone when they hear something. This test is SOOO subjective. If you have a kid who is not used to being at doctors offices it would be so easy to get false positives or negatives. If you feel the booth test is wrong then I highly recommend an ABR. This test has to be done sedated though. Sometimes with babies if they are asleep and can sleep through the test (maybe yours can!) then that is ok too. The ABR is diffiniative and can tell you exactly what they can and cannot hear. Many parents don't like this test because of sedation. I love this test because you don't want to waste time on a maybe or and opinion. If your like me, you want facts. So there, I gave you advice and you didn't even have to ask! haha - :) Jennifer

    1. I wrote you an email so I hope you got it. :)

  6. Just checking in....looks like you are hanging in there...lots of laundry in one of those pics!!!! Everyone looks like they are doing wonderfully including YOU!!!!!

    1. We are doing great. It's very busy but I am starting to get back in the swing of things!
